Special Education services are provided at Central Westmoreland CTC by five certificated Special Education Learning Facilitators. These Facilitators provide "push-in" services to CTE programs to provide both technical and academic support to student with disabilities as well as enhance the delivery of numeracy and literacy strategies. They support the instructors by helping them to understand and implement the IEP. Facilitators will also be available to provide "pull-out" services that are available and given in the Learning Resource Room (LRC) to assist students with their assigned technical content in addition to the core academic subjects as it relates to their technical program. Paraprofessionals within the CTE programs will augment this process to reinforce content area academic and technical skills.

Special Education Instructors

DeMaria, John - Special Education
Ext. 1396 Email: jdemaria@cwctc.org

Diehl, Gordon - Special Education
Ext. 1318 Email: gdiehl@cwctc.org

Long, Mark - Special Education
Ext. 1385 Email: mlong@cwctc.org

Gongaware, Barb - Special Education
Ext. 1355 Email: bgongaware@cwctc.org

Saunders, Steven - Special Education // TLC Coordinator
Ext. 1354 Email: ssaunders@cwctc.org

Special Education Learning Facilitators will utilize Waypoint Testing to assess the interests, skills and abilities of prospective students prior to enrollment to help provide the best and most appropriate placement into a CTE program. Upon enrollment, our facilitators play an active role in the IEP team by: monitoring and documenting their progress here at the CTC; attending IEP Meetings at the sending district or hosting them here at the CTC; and providing the case manager(s) with Special Needs Progress Reports at the mid-point of each marking period and communicating with them when there are problems.